
Past Officers / Trustees

  • First meeting held in Ghent, Belgium.

    April 10, 1976

  • President: Prof. Jules François (Honorary Life President)


  • President: Prof. Fritz Hollwich
    Vice-Presidents: Prof. F. Newell and Prof. S. Sugar
    Secretary General: Prof. E. Grom
    Treasurer: Prof. Werther Duque-Estrada


  • President: Prof. Frank W. Newell
    Vice-Presidents: Prof. P. Brégeat and Prof. E. Grom
    Secretary General: Prof. Akira Nakajima
    Treasurer: Prof. Werther Duque-Estrada


  • President: Prof. Frederick C. Blodi
    Vice-Presidents: Prof. P.Brégeat and Prof. J. Fronimopoulos
    Secretary General: Prof. Akira Nakajima
    Treasurer: Prof. Werther Duque-Estrada


  • President: Prof. Akira Nakajima
    Vice-Presidents: Prof. G. Scuderi and Prof. H. Fanta
    Secretary General: Prof. Pierre Amalric
    Treasurer: Prof. Werther Duque-Estrada


  • President: Prof. Giuseppe Scuderi
    Vice-Presidents: 1990-1993 Prof. B.Boyd and Prof. R. Lowe
    Treasurer: Prof. Werther Duque-Estrada
    Vice-Presidents: 1993-1994 Prof. B.Boyd and Prof. P. Amalric
    Secretary General: Prof. Pierre Amalric
    Treasurer: 1993-1994 Prof. Jean-François Cuendet
    Secretary-General: Prof. Pierre Amalric


  • President: Prof. Benjamin F. Boyd
    Vice-Presidents: Prof. Maurice Luntz and Prof. Arthur Lim
    Secretary General: Prof. Gabriel Coscas
    Treasurer: Prof. Jean-François Cuendet


  • President: Prof. Bradley R. Straatsma
    First Vice-Presidents: Prof. Enrique S. Malbran
    Second Vice-President: Prof. Koichi Shimizu
    Secretary General: Prof. Gabriel Coscas
    Treasurer: Prof. Rosario Brancato


  • President: Prof. Koichi Shimizu
    First Vice-Presidents: Prof. Gabriel Coscas
    Second Vice-President: Prof. Rosario Brancato
    Secretary General: Prof. Paul R. Lichter
    Treasurer: Prof. Juan Verdaguer


  • President: Prof. Peter G. Watson
    First Vice-Presidents: Prof. Juan Verdaguer T
    Second Vice-President: Prof. Pran Nagpal
    Secretary General: Prof. Paul R. Lichter
    Treasurer: Prof. Balder Gloor


  • President: Prof. Paul R. Lichter
    First Vice-Presidents: Prof. Pran Nagpal
    Second Vice-President: Prof. Hugh Taylor
    Secretary General: Prof. Peter Wiedemann
    Treasurer: Prof. Marie-José-Tassignon


  • President: Prof. Gullapalli N. Rao
    First Vice-Presidents: Prof. Richard Abbott
    Second Vice-President: Prof. Tatsuro Ishibashi
    Secretary General: Prof. Peter Wiedemann
    Treasurer: Prof. Marie-José Tassignon


  • President: Prof. Marie-José Tassignon
    Vice-Presidents: Prof. Jialiang Zhao
    Vice-President: Prof. Justine Ruth Smith
    Secretary General: Prof. Richard Abbott
    Treasurer: Prof. Martine J. Jager
    Administrator-Signature Holder: Prof. Serge Resnikoff


List of Past Awardees



Name of Awardees

Place/Event at which award presented


Prof. Pierre Almaric

XXVIII International Congress of Ophthalmology in Amsterdam, June 1998


Prof. Bruce E. Spivey


XXIX International Congress of Ophthalmology in Sydney, Australia, in April 2002


Prof. Gottfried O.H. Naumann


Opening Ceremony of the World Congress of Ophthalmology, February 20, 2006, Sao Paulo, Brazil

 (XXXII AOI Meeting)


Prof. Gullapalli N. Rao

WOC meeting in Berlin, Germany, June 5, 2010

(XXXVI AOI Meeting)


Prof. Bradley Straatsma

WOC meeting in Tokyo, Japan, April 2014

(XL AOI Meeting)


Prof Paul R. Lichter

WOC in Barcelona in June, 2018


1998: XXIV; Prof. August Deutmann, Nijmegen, The Netherlands: “Dutch Masters and The Macula”
1999: XXV;  Prof. Benjamin F. Boyd, Panama City, Panama:  “The Pan-American: A Sense of Mission, How It Was Built, Who Built It, and How It Influenced the History of Ophthalmology in the 20th Century”
2000: XXVI; Michael Blumenthal, Jerusalem, Israel:  “Cataract Surgery: Training, Quality and Innovation”
2001:  Prof. Enrique S. Malbran, Buenos Aires, Argentina: “Story of Scleral Fixated Intraocular Lenses”
2002:  Prof. Maxwell R. Bennett, Sydney, New South Wales Australia:  “How the Brain Works”
2003:  None
2004:  Prof. Paul A. Sieving, Bethesda, Maryland, USA: “X-Linked Retinoschisis: A Case Study in the Evolution of Clinical Understanding”
2005:  Prof. Angelo Luigi Vescovi, Milan, Italy: “Neural Stem Cells in Brain Pathology and Therapy”
2006:  Prof. Fernando Henrique Cordoso: former President of Brazil: “Transformation of Brazil”
2007:  Prof. Peter Zilla, Capetown, South Africa: “Tissue Engineering in Cardiac Surgery”
2008:  Prof. Arthur K.C. Li, Hong Kong, China: “The Development of Ophthalmology in Hong Kong”
2009:  Prof. Ivan Schwab, Davis, California, USA: “Evolution’s Witness”
2010:  Prof. Jens-Martin Rohrbach, Tübingen, Germany:  “German Ophthalmology in the Third Reich.”
2011:  Prof. Mandayam .V. Srinivasan, Brisbane, Queensland Australia: “The world through the eye of a bee: vision, navigation and “cognition” in honeybees, and application to robotics”
2012:  Prof. Jean-Jacque DeLaey, Ghent, Belgium: Prof. Jean-Jacques DeLaey, Belgium: “Retinal imaging, from Helmholtz’s ophthalmoscope to adaptive optics”
2013:  Prof. Yamuna Krishnan, Bangalore, India:”Designer DNA devices to probe and program the cell”
2014:  Prof. Takashi Aoi, Kobe, Japan:”Medical application of iPS cells”
2016:  Prof. Alfred Sommer, Baltimore, USA: “Behavior and Environment Trump Genes”
2017:  Prof. Chorh Chuan Tan, Singapore: “Transforming Health Systems for the Future”
2018:  Prof. Jose Cunha-Vaz, Cuimbra, Portugal: “Diabetic Retinopathy”
2019:  DR. Malvina Eydelman: “Artificial Intelligence in Ophthalmology: The Future is Now”


1995:  Prof. Raymond Lund
1996:  Prof. G.O.H. Naumann, Erlangen, Germany.
1997:  None
1998:  Prof. Michal Schwartz, Weizmann Institute in Tel-Aviv, Israel, “New Horizons in Optic Neuropathy: Neuroprotection and Neuroregeneration.”
1999:  Prof. Matthew M. LaVail, University of California at San Francisco:  “Toward Pharmaceutical and Gene Therapy for Retinal Degenerations”
2000:  Prof. Gabriel Coscas, Paris, France
2001:  Prof. Joaquin Barraquer, Barcelona, Spain
2002:  Prof. Koichi Shimizu, Tokyo, Japan: “Pulseless Disease”
2003:  Prof. Pran Nagpal, India: “Recent Advances in Retina and Vitreous
2004:  Prof. Paul R. Lichter, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA: “Management Decisions in Ocular Hypertension and Glaucoma”
2005:  Prof. Bradley R. Straatsma, Los Angeles, California, USA: “Current Management of Choroidal Melanoma”
2006:  None
2007:  Prof. Anthony V.N. Murray, Capetwon, South Africa:  “Treating Strabismus in Adults: Is it Worth It?”
2008:  Prof. Yasuo Tano, Osaka, Japan: “Pathological Myopia: Where Are We Going?”
2009:  Prof. Alan C. Bird, London, England: “Galileo’s Blindness.”
2011:  Prof. Ian Constanble, Perth, Western Australia:  “Management of proliferative diabetic retinopathy with laser and pharmacotherapy”
2012:  Prof. Giséle  Soubrane, Paris, France:  “Mechanisms of Vision Loss in Myopic Eyes”
2013:  Prof. Gullapalli N. Rao, Hyderabad, India: “Quality Eye Care at the Bottom of the Pyramid”
2014:  Prof. Tetsuro Ishibashi, Fukuoka, Japan:”Pathogenesis of Vascular Permeability in Diabetic Macular Edema”
2015:  Prof. Marie-José Tassignon, Antwerp, Belgium: “Pushing back the boundaries of cataract surgery”
2017:  Prof. Tien Wong, Sinagapore: “Can a Retinal Examination Provide Insights into Stroke and Dementia?”
2018:  Prof. Rafael Barraquer, Barcelona Spain: “Evolution of Surgical Techniques in Cataract Surgery. The Challenge, the Conquest, the Optimization, the Future?”
2019:  Prof. Paul Sieving, Sacremento, California, USA: “A Path Forward Through Research”


  1. Jules François (1976-1984+)
  2. Fritz Hollwich (1976-1992+), Ahti Tarkkanen (1993-), Paul Lee (2011-
  3. Saul Sugar (1976-1992 E, 1993+), Jean-Jacques De Laey (1986-2017 E), Hiroko Terasaki (2018-
  4. John G.Bellows (1976-1978), Pierre Amalric (1981-1999+), Anthony Murray (2000-2014 E), Eduardo C Alfonso (2014-
  5. Edward Grom (1976- 1998+ ), Yasuo Tano (1999-2009+),Harminder Singh Dua (2009-
  6. Harold Scheie (1976-1984 E, 1990+), Heinz Freyler (1984-2000 E), Morton Goldberg (2001- 2007 E)    Anthony Moore (2007-2022), Serge Resnikoff (2022-
  7. Paul Brégeat (1976- 1989+   ), Gabriel Coscas (2019), OPEN
  8. Harold Henkes (1976-1988 E, 5 Sept. 2010+), Frank Billson (1988-2020), Andrew Dick (2022-
  9. Aledar Kettesy (1976-1978), Giuseppe Scuderi (1979-2013+), Anselm Kampik (2011-
  10. José Barraquer (1976-1989 E), Alan Bird (1989-2005 E), Gehrard Lang (2005-2021), OPEN
  11. Eduard Avetisov (1976-1994 E), Marc Tso (1996-
  12. Hans Sautter (1976-1984+), Arthur Lim (1984-2009 E, 2014+), Martine Jager (2010-
  13. Joao Manuel Ribeiro da Silva-Pinto (1976-1982 E, 2018+), Enrique Malbran (1982-2015 E). Justine Smith (2015-
  14. Salme Vannas (1976-1989 E), Irène Maumenee (1989-
  15. Gerard Crock (1976-1989 E, 2007 +), Clement McCulloch (1989-1999+),WS Tasman (1999- 2010E, 2017+), Daniel Etya’ale (2010-E 2017), Shigeru Kinoshita (2018-
  16. Patrick Trevor-Roper (1976-1992 E, 2006 +), Carl Kupfer (1995-2005 E, 2011 +), Shigeaki Ohno (2005-2016 E), Julia A Haller (2016-
  17. Ronald Lowe (1976-1992 E), Rosario Brancato (1992- 2010 E), Ionnis Pallikaris (2011-
  18. Louis Werner (1976-1977 E), Fred Blodi (1977-1989 E), 1996+, Koichi Shimizu (1989-), Tero T Kivela (2012-
  19. Giambattista Bietti (1976-1977+),  Saichi Mishima (1977-1995 E, 2005 +), Alfred Sommer (1997-
  20. AM Soliman (1976-1989 E), Yves Pouliquen (1989-2004 E), Paul Sieving (2004-
  21. Louis Paufique (1976-1981 +), Stephen Drance (1981-1989 E), Jean-François Cuendet (1989-1999 E), Juan Verdaguer (1999-2019), Gemmy Cheung (2022-
  22. Werther Duque-Estrada (1976-1995 E, 2001+), Robert Machemer (1998-2003 E, 2008 +), Jialiang Zhao (2004-
  23. Maurice Luntz (1976-
  24. Tadeusz Krwawicz (1976-1985 E, 1988+), August Deutman (1986-     ), Charles N.J.McGhee (2010-
  25. Hans Merté (1976-2002 +), Rafael Barraquer (2004-
  26. John Fronimopoulos (1976-1993 E), K.Miyake (1996-2016 E), Emily Chew (2016-
  27. Isaac Michaelson (1976-1981+), Wolfgang Jaeger (1982-1996 +), Michael Blumenthal (1996-2007 +), Richard Abbott (2008-
  28. Benjamin Boyd (1976-2018+), Yao Ke (2018-
  29. José Casanovas (1976-1982 E, ), Gerd Meyer-Schwickerath (1983-1992 +), Achim Wessing (1992-2014 E), J.Fernando Arevalo (2014-
  30. Guy Offret (1976-1981 E, 2001+), Joaquin Barraquer (1981-2017 +), Tetsuro Oshika (2010-
  31. Alberto Urrets-Zavalia (1976-1992 E), Francesco Contreras (1993-    ) Tien Y.Wong (2010-
  32. Luis Sanchez-Bulnes (1976-1986E), Fritz Naumann (1986-2014 E), Peter J M McDonnell (2014-
  33. Frank Newell (1976-1994 E), 1999+), Gisèle Soubrane (1997-2017 E), Richard K Parrish (2018-
  34. Hilton Rocha (1976-1978 E), Bruce Spivey (1981-
  35. Joseph Diallo (1976-1995 E), Rubens Belfort (1997-
  36. N.A.Puchoskaya (1976-1989 E), Enrique Graue (2006-
  37. Akira Nakajima (1976- 2007 E, 2017+), Dennis Lam (2007-
  38. John Harry King (1976-1982 E), Daniel Albert (1982-1992 E), Paul Lichter (1993-
  39. John Charamis (1976-1978+), Lalit Agarwal (1978-1994 E, 2005+), Alvaro Rodriguez (1995-2011 E, 2018+) , Xiaoxin Li (2012-
  40. Edward Maumenee (1976-1992 +), Stephen Ryan (1993-2013+), Taiji Sakamoto (2014-
  41. Algernon Reese (1976-1979 E, 1981+), Rudolf Sachsenweger (1980-1984 E, 2010+), Georges Perdriel (1984-1995 E, +2008), Gullapalli Rao (1998-
  42. Magda Radnot (1976-1986 E), Guy Verriest (1987-1988 +), Noël Rice (1989-2002 E, 2018+), Hilel Lewis (2003-2011E), Boris E. Malyugin (2012-
  43. Juan Arentsen (1976-1986 E, 2005+), George Theodossiadis (1986-2017), Helene Dollfus (2022-
  44. Helmut Fanta (1976-1994 E), José Cunha-Vaz (1995-2020), Rudy Nuijts (2022-
  45. Bernard Streiff (1976-1986 E), Björn Tengroth(1986-2005 E), Miguel Burnier (2005-
  46. Bradley Straatsma (1977-    ), Kanxing Zhao (2010-
  47. Edward Norton (1977-1994 +), Ronald Smith (1996-2014+), Jacob Pe’er (2014-
  48. André Dubois-Poulsen (1977-1983 E), Henry Saraux (1983-2003 E), Zbigniew Zagorski (2003-
  49. Redmond Smith (1977-1983 E), Wolfgang Straub(1983-1993 E), Juan Murube del Castillo (1993-2019), David Friedman (2022-
  50. Michael Krasnov (1977-?, 2006 +), Marie-José Tassignon (2006-
  51. Balder Gloor (2000-2011E), Robert Ritch (2012-2022), Kohji Nishida (2022-
  52. Pran Nagpal (2001-2015 E), Annnabelle Okada (2022-
  53. Hugh R.Taylor (2001-
  54. Peter Watson (2002-2011 E, 2017+), Birgit Lorenz (2012-
  55. Ian Constable (2002-2021), Prashant Gharg (2022-
  56. Sivaguru  Selvarajah (2002-2010+), Pinar Aydin O’Dwyer (2012-2021), Claus Curseifen (2022-
  57. Ildiko Suveges (2003-2015E), Eduardo Mayorga (2017-
  58. Francesco Bandello (2004-
  59. Tatsuro Ishibashi (2006-
  60. José Sahel (2007-
  61. Narsing Rao (2008-2022), Kristina Grupcheva(2022-
  62. Peter Wiedemann (2008-
  63. Jorge Alio (2008-
  64. Abhaykumar Vasavada (2009-
  65. Petja Vasisileva (2009-
  66. David W Parke II (2009-
  67. Peng Khaw (2013-
  68. Joan Whitten Miller (2013-
  69. Ana Luisa Hofling-Lima (2013-
  70. Emilio Campos (2013-2021+), Xinquin Fan (2022-
  71. Stefan Seregard (2013-
  72. Christophe Baudouin (2013-
  73. Hans E.Grossniklaus (2013-
  74. Ningli Wang (2014-
  75. Marco A Zarbin (2014-
  76. Anat Loewenstein (2015-
  77. Masayo Takahashi (2015-
  78. Tin Aung (2015-
  79. Fung-Rong Hu (2015-
  80. Janey Wiggs (2015-
  81. Bertil Damato (2015-
  82. Neeru Gupta (2015-
  83. Raza Dana (2016-
  84. Donald Tiang Hwee Tan (2017-
  85. Clement C.Y.Tham (2017-
  86. Jost B.Jonas (2017-
  87. Anne Coleman (2021-
  88. Karl Golnik (2021-
  89. Van C. Lansingh (2021-
  90. Joaguim Murta (2021-
  91. Sobha Sivaprasad (2021-

+ deceased

E emeritus